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The Line Chart displays values of data over a span of time. If you're feeling crazy, try out different 'Curve types' to find which is best for your data.
table - the table to query.
conditions - the conditions to apply to the chart
trend_type - the type of trend to use (ex. date, week, month, etc)
date_range - the range of dates to use
date_field - what field we are using to check the dates
record_limit - the maximum number of primary groupings to query
aggregate_type - the type of aggregate to use. If none is provided 'COUNT' will be used.
aggregate_field - if an aggregate other than 'COUNT is used, an aggregate field must be provided to determine what to aggregate on.
An array of objects. Each object is of the following format.
id: The date of the entry
value: The value of the aggregate
A screenshot of the data in ServiceNow: