Create Service Portal Page
In order to actually be able to add your VividCharts dashboard to a page, you'll need a page record created. There are 2 ways to do this which are outlined below.
Standard: Navigate to Service Portal > Pages and then click the New button. This will take you to a form for a new page. The fields that we are worried about right now are Title, ID, and Roles. The Title will be what’s displayed your browser tab, essentially the name of this page. The ID will be used in the url to navigate to this page. The Roles are where you can (and usually should) restrict who has access to this page and in turn the dashboard that you put on the page. Once you have these fields filled out, you can submit the record and your page will be created.
From VividCharts Dashboard View: If you already have a VividCharts dashboard built, you can create a new Service Portal page from the detail page of that dashboard. Just click the New Page button (pictured below) and fill in the same details mentioned above.
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