"What duzzidoo?"
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"What duzzidoo?"
Last updated
The VividChart API is a powerful and flexible new tool to allow VividCharts users to maximize their charts by making things more dynamic and giving users the tools needed to customize their data. Based off the Glide System syntax the new API gives you the ability to customize the data that is collected and returned by the chart.
Tips: When creating a custom chart, you can copy the old chart type and modify the copy to ensure that you always have the old base type available.
In our chart types scripts you will see the basis of the new VividCharts API in action as all charts are now collected in just 3 lines of code. By using variables provided in the VividCharts environment such as filter names, chart options and more you can apply conditionals or make adjustments to the chart types to your hearts content. Want to change the charts group by based on filter title? Want to change how many data points your chart has based on the value of a system property? All those and so much more is possible with just a little bit of JavaScript know how. To learn how to use these awesome new features, the best place to start is at the beginning with how to initialize a new VividChart Object:
Or if you are chomping at the bit to see the new VividChart API in action and want to see how we made the above chart type and so much more, our examples and ideas page has you covered: