Create a Guardrail
To create a Guardrail, navigate to the VividCharts Creator Hub and click on the Guardrails tile. You'll be taken to the Guardrails list page where you'll see a full list of your existing Guardrails, and the option to create a new Guardrail.
For new Guardrail creation, simply click on the Create New Guardrail button.
After clicking the button, you'll be taken to your new Guardrail page to begin configuration.
In the main column of the Edit Guardrail page, you have the ability to control access to Tables and Chart Types. In the Guardrail Settings column, you'll be able to change the Guardrail Title, edit access to Dashboards, Narratives, Loops, Quick Charts, and Embedded Scores, and finally you'll define the users associated with this Guardrail.
An example of a Guardrail is below:
In the above example, Fred, James, and Mitch only have access to the Incident and Task tables, the Calendar Heatmap, Area, and Dollar Score Chart Types, and they have access to all of the main VividCharts tools except Loops.
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