Best for: visualizing multiple data points for groups of data.
Palette: uses the colors from the selected palette.
Use Group By: Should the dots be grouped with colors?
Group by: Required if Use Group By is true. The field that will make up the color of the dot.
X axis field (Required): The field that will determine the location of the dot on the X axis.
X axis label: if a value is set, this will be displayed as the X axis label.
Y axis field (Required): The field that will determine the location of the dot on the Y axis.
Y axis label: if a value is set, this will be displayed as the Y axis label.
Limit (Required): Determines how many dots will be displayed.
Display legend: if selected, displays the legend for the dot colors.
Ignore filters: if selected and if there are filters defined for the dashboard, this chart will ignore the filters.
Display label: if set, this value will be what is displayed as the chart title. If empty, the name of the chart will be used as the chart title. Set this value to none if you don’t want a chart title to be displayed.
Last updated