
Repeaters are a convenient way for you to use a base Dashboard as a "template" to build an iterative Repeater based on conditions set by the user. This gives you the ability to build a query and automatically generate a Narrative-like slide experience with the same layout for each record returned in the query.

For now, Repeaters can only be built and accessed by VividCharts admins. However, regular users can view Repeaters.

Creating a Repeater

Navigating to the Repeaters list page and clicking on the Create New Repeater button will open up a new Repeater creation page

The Repeater Details page will walk you through a step-by-step creation process for your new Repeater.


  1. Dashboard: This is the Dashboard the repeater will use as a base "template" for the Repeater.

  2. Table: This is the table that the Dashboard uses to build the Repeater. Should be the same table that is used in the base template Dashboard.

  3. Template Record: This is the record that was used in the Template Dashboard.

  4. Filter: Utilize the filter section to build out your queries and dial in exactly what you need for your Repeater.

  5. Review Records: Make sure to view the records that your settings will return.

Once you're satisfied with your settings, click the Generate Repeater button to create your Repeater. When the Repeater generates, you can view it by clicking the View (eye) icon at the top right of the page.

Embedding a Repeater in a Narrative

Repeaters are really nice! But they're even better when you embed them in a Narrative.

With a Repeater created, create a new Narrative. Click on the "Add Repeater" button

Select your desired Repeater from the modal and place it in your Narrative just like you would any other slide.

Last updated