Dynamic Filters

Dynamic filters are filters that run queries that generate the chart data in real time when the run button is pressed. The filters all work in conjunction with each other and you can use multiple filters to filter your data in a near endless amount of ways. There are numerous types of dynamic filters but there is no limit to how many can be on a dashboard and by querying the data directly you can be sure it is always up to date.

By selecting different combinations with the dynamic filters and clicking the Run button you can query your data however you like. And by using the Reset button you can at any time revert the filters back to their default state

There are many different types of dynamic filters that you can use. Dynamic filters have a lot more freedom than cached filters due to their ability to query data on the fly. There are many different types of dynamic filters that can be accessed by the Dynamic Filter Type Selector (see below).

On the right side of each filter, you will see a list of charts that are on the dashboard. Should you wish a chart to not have the filter applied, you may click the icon representing the chart and the filter will not run for that chart.

By using different types of dynamic filters you can heavily customize how to view your data and unlock the full power of VividCharts!

Dropdowns are manually populated dropdown boxes with a high degree of customizability. Instead of having your drop-down list automatically populated, you can match values to where you want them, with custom labels and multi value ability.

Dropdowns also come with a filter option in the dropdown to filter through the available options if needed.

Tips: Dropdowns are designed for more experienced users. If you are wanting to just use a regular dropdown that automatically generates, our dynamic dropdown type has you covered!

The Choices list is the main feature of the dropdown filter type. You may put values in where it says value name, separating with commas if there are multiple and then assign it a label and add it to the list. You may also select which one is the default starting value that it will begin at and return to when the reset button is clicked. Each value inputted on a list item will be ORed together. In the example above, the High label will use a query where the field name equals 1 or equals 2.

Warning: All values and field names use the system value, not the display value. Use of the display value will not work.


  • Order - This determines the order in which the button is placed. Lower number are arranged more left than higher numbers.

  • Field Name - A text field to type in the system value for the field you wish to use the values for.

  • Include All - A toggle that will include an All option that will not apply a filter when selected.

  • Connected Filter - A toggle that if selected will connect this filter to all other connected filters and will only display options that are valid based off the other connected filter choices.

  • Multi-Selectable - If this option is toggled you can select multiple options from the dropdown that will be ORed together.

  • Choices - A way to manually populate the list using custom labels.

Dynamic Dropdown

Dynamic Dropdowns are automatically generated dropdowns that populate their choices based on a specified field on a table. The choices are populated by the available values for the field present on the specified table.

Dynamic Dropdowns also come with a filter option in the dropdown to filter through the available options if needed.

Tips: The values stored in the dropdown are populated with the display names of the values.

Warning: The list will populate with every possible value present on the table. Be wary of using fields like short description, which can have so much variation that it could cause slowdown issues populating the dropdown.


  • Order - This determines the order in which the button is placed. Lower number are arranged more left than higher numbers.

  • Default Table - The default table to populate the list with.

  • Breakdown Field - The field used to populate the list.

  • Sort Type - Whether to automatically sort the dropdown in ascending or descending order.

  • Include All - Toggle this option to include an All value that represents all values on the list.

  • Connected Filter - A toggle that if selected will connect this filter to all other connected filters and will only display options that are valid based off the other connected filter choices.

  • Multi-Selectable - If this option is toggled you can select multiple options from the dropdown that will be ORed together.

Date Range Filter

A date range filter allows you to specify a specific date range for a date/time field to be filtered on. You may either manually type in the date range, or by clicking on the date range filer you can bring up the expanded selection options that will allow you to easily create a filter to apply to the date range filter.

When the expanded selection options are opened, you may navigate the calendar using the left and right arrows to select a month and then click on a date to set that as the starting point. Then by navigating to the date you wish to end the query on you can then set the end date. By clicking apply the date range will be correctly inputted to the date range filter. If you wish to change your choice, hitting clear will reset you to the default allowing you to pick a new one.

Warning: Both a start and end point must be selected in order for the filter to work. If you are trying to set up something from a time until the present, please set the current date as the end date.

Tips: To select a single day, just set both the start and end point as the same day.


  • Order - This determines the order in which the button is placed. Lower number are arranged more left than higher numbers.

  • Field Name: The system name of the field name to use for this filter.

  • Connected Filter - A toggle that if selected will connect this filter to all other connected filters and will only display options that are valid based off the other connected filter choices.

Warning: The Field name must be the system name of the field, not the display name.

Reference Filter

Reference Filters populate choices based on the table being referenced by the selected field. Otherwise it functions similarly to a dynamic dropdown. One key feature is due to the large numbers of available options, reference filters are maxed at 50 available options but you can filter through the entire selection.

Tips: Reference filters may contain options that are not present on the table. This allows you to search for things that would not otherwise be populated in a dynamic dropdown.


  • Order - This determines the order in which the button is placed. Lower number are arranged more left than higher numbers.

  • Default Table - The default table to check for the reference.

  • Breakdown Field - The field used to populate the list.

  • Sort Type - Whether to automatically sort the dropdown in ascending or descending order.

  • Include All - Toggle this option to include an All value that represents all values on the list.

  • Connected Filter - A toggle that if selected will connect this filter to all other connected filters and will only display options that are valid based off the other connected filter choices.

  • Multi-Selectable - If this option is toggled you can select multiple options from the dropdown that will be ORed together.

Text Filter

A text filter is a text box that filters based on what is typed into its input area. It then searched through the assigned text field for each record and filters based on whether it contains the input specified is contained within it.

Tips: The input does not have to be in the beginning of the field or case sensitive. A search for email using short description will return any data that contains the word email regardless of its position within the short description.


  • Order - This determines the order in which the button is placed. Lower number are arranged more left than higher numbers.

  • Default Table - The default table the breakdown field is on.

  • Breakdown Field - The field that will be searched .

  • Connected Filter - A toggle that if selected will connect this filter to all other connected filters and will only display options that are valid based off the other connected filter choices.

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