
Best for: quickly finding coarse trends over two points in time.


Palette: uses the colors of the selected color palette.

Group by (Required): The field that determines the separate lines.

Trend type (Required): The collection of time to be viewed. For example, daily or weekly.

Date range (Required): The period of time to be visualized. For example, last month. The first and last returned date groups will be used while anything in-between will be ignored.

Date field (Required): The field that is used in the trend type.

Display legend: displays a legend for the colors of the lines.

Ignore filters: if selected and if there are filters defined for the dashboard, this chart will ignore the filters.

Display label: if set, this value will be what is displayed as the chart title. If empty, the name of the chart will be used as the chart title. Set this value to none if you don’t want a chart title to be displayed.

Last updated