
The Bubble Plot is similar to the Scatter Plot, but adds an additional data point. The size of the bubbles is determined by the defined 'Weight by' value. The color of the dot is determined by the 'Group by' value.

Required Fields

  • table - the table to query.

  • conditions - the conditions to apply to the chart

  • x_axis_field - the field used to determine the x axis scale

  • y_axis_field - the field used to determine the y axis scale

  • weight_by - the field to weight our dots by

  • record_limit - The maximum number of records to look at

Optional Fields

  • group_by - the field to group on

  • use_group_by - whether or not to group results by a field

Return Data

An array of objects. Each object represents a record and contains the relevant data.

  • groupBy: The name of the group

  • id: the sys_id of the record

  • name: the display name for the record

  • weight: the value of the weight by field for the record

  • weightDisplay: the display value of the weigh

  • weightLabel: the label for the weight by field

  • x: the value for the x axis field

  • xDisplay: the display value for the x axis field

  • y: the value for the y axis field

  • yDisplay: the display value for the y axis field

Example Payload

A screenshot of the data in ServiceNow:

Last updated