PA Bump Chart

Best for: viewing rankings of a breakdown over time.


Palette: uses the colors of the selected color palette.

PA Indicator (Required): The Performance Analytics indicator to pull data from.

PA Breakdown (Required): The Performance Analytics breakdown for the selected indicator to create the separate lines.

Prior periods: the number of previous indicator scores to be displayed.

Aggregate: if the indicator has aggregates available, this allows you to select which aggregate to display.

Dot size: the radius, in pixels, of each individual bump dot.

Line width: thickness in pixels of each individual line.

Display grid: displays horizontal grid lines behind the area chart.

Display labels: display labels to the left of the lines for the breakdown elements.

Display legend: displays a legend for the colors of the lines.

Forecast: display forecast values if available.

Forecast box: if forecast values are being displayed, this will draw a box around the forecast values.

Clickable: determines whether or not this chart has click-through functionality. If set to true, this will default to the out-of-the-box PA Scorecard or Analytics Hub.

Click through: optional. If set, this is the url that the click through functionality will lead to.

Display label: if set, this value will be what is displayed as the chart title. If empty, the name of the chart will be used as the chart title. Set this value to none if you don’t want a chart title to be displayed.

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