Advanced: URL Parameterization

With our improved Filtering system, we have also given users the ability to pass custom parameters to a URL string that will set Filter parameters on page load.


Let's say we have a Dashboard that has a Chart with the following specifications:

  1. Source: Incident Table

  2. Chart Type: Vertical Bar Chart

  3. Group By: Category

  4. Aggregate Type: Count

And our Filters include

  • Dynamic Breakdown Filter:

    • Type: Dynamic Dropdown

    • Default Table: Incident

    • Include All: True

    • Multi-Selectable: True

  • Dynamic Breakdown Filter

    • Type: Date Range

    • Database Name opened_at

Our initial URL when we view the Dashboard will be something like:

Apply URL Parameter

To adjust the URL parameters for this Dashboard, you'll simply append the URL with an '&' + 'q_{database name}'.

Ex: will give us a Chart that only shows the Incidents for the Hardware category.

Applying Multi-select to a Parameter

To utilize the multi-select feature, simply comma separate the database values. For example:,software will give us a Chart that only shows the Incidents for the Hardware and Software categories.

Leveraging the Date Range Filter

In our Dashboard example, we have an Opened filter available. We can also pass date ranges to our URL parameters by appending '&' + 'q_opened_at={date range}'. The date range here should be formatted as YYYYMMDDYYYYMMDD where the first block of YYYYMMDD is the starting date, and the second block is the ending date for our date range. For example: 2020020120200328 will give us February 1, 2020 to March 28, 2020.

Ex:,software&q_opened_at=2020020120200328 gives us a Chart that only shows the Incidents for the Hardware and Software categories between February 1, 2020 and March 28, 2020.

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